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- Source: Dorking Advertiser newspaper.
- Date: 11th January, 1996.
- New sightings are out of this world.
- by Mike Hawkins.
- Gatwick is spawning its very own collection of the X-Files as dozens of
- sky-watchers are calling up a UFO expert with sightings.
- Top UFO watcher Larry Dean who runs the Skysearch agency, believes the aliens
- are:
- - Studying our air travel by spying on planes over Gatwick.
- - Trying to tell us we are destroying our planet.
- - Going to show us how we can stop wars and pollution.
- Larry said: "We've had an incredibly intense period of sightings recently,
- almost a mini-wave of them."
- He says places such as the towns and villages around Gatwick could be targeted
- by the extraterrestrials just to let us know they are there.
- "It's called awareness, where extraterrestrials make a lot of contact before
- they show themselves properly," he said.
- Recent daylight sightings have included cylindrical objects, saucers, lights
- and flashes in the sky and wedged shaped ships.
- "Over the next four or five years we're going to see a lot more close
- encounters so that we will get accustomed to their presence."
- The space invaders are going to teach us not destroy us.
- "They are not here to harm us, they may have an interest in our health and in
- what we are doing to the planet."
- "They are monitoring all aspects of our life including our air travel and
- pollution levels and recording our reactions to them."
- People have been abducted but not for medical experiments, he says.
- "People are being shown war and pollution on a big screen and when they come
- back they're often filled with a new awareness."
- Larry, who spotted a silver and black wedge-disc over Chanctonbury Ring in
- October 1994, added: "I want to know how we can offer our hand out - we could
- learn a lot from a more advanced civilisation."
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- On the World Wide Web - http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/ddpweb/ufonews.html
- Regularly updated - Fido: 2:440/217.0, Internet: lgmnews@nolimits.demon.co.uk
- Found any UFO related stories in the media? Please forward to the LGM NEWSDESK
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